Monday, January 18, 2016

Manic Monday!

Just another Manic Monday!!!
That phrase or song has a new meaning now!
Being a stay at home mom, most people would think oh she’ll get up and run around her child and do housework and then by evening sit and complain about it!
well…. That’s true for the most part but that's everyday and not just Monday! Ha
Mondays are not manic anymore! 
Mondays are a bit relaxing.
A bit scary 
And a bit normal! 
The weekends are manic, i'm mostly not in control of the sequence of events, lots 
of unpredictability and lots of chaos. i have another baby to run after, aka my husband. 
Mondays are a beginning. A day i look back at the weekend to relive good family fun and anticipate/worry about how to survive the next 4 days!
Mondays are also about makeup, music and movies or a TV show MARATHON. (get my drift!) :)
Reviewing the first season of Empire for those who haven’t watched it. Fox Network show.
Yes i’m a year or two late! Motherhood can do that. My new years goals consist of catching up on all my interests; i had forgotten i had any since A. 
Here Goes…
I’m not too much into rap and not a fan of musicals at all but this show has the right amount of music and the right kind of digestible rap.A drama revolving around an African american musical family who along with their many troubles stick together for the music
Why i liked the show – 
It resonated with me because of the kind of problems they had, many reminded me of taboos and stigmas that most Pakistani families have.Marrying outside your clan, not living up to your parents dreams and aspirations and the pressures one has to live through. Sibling competition/rivalry and not to mention homophobia. Along with this, the constant reminder to remember your roots and who you are. Having said all this, all the actors have given powerful performances and there is no wonder why the lead actress Taraji P. Henson bagging a golden globe for best actress in a TV series this year.
The music is very refreshing and i liked most of the songs and have been singing ‘youre so beautiful’ all weekend.Its the most key song of the show that will echo time and again in future seasons as well. Check out the song here –

I give it a 8/10. The melodrama can get a bit too dramatic at times and namely one character is a bit annoying. Also why do the good looking ones always turn out be gay!? (compliment to them of course)
Looking forward to watching season 2 now! A year too late.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fashion Love... Embellishments

loads of Sparkly Stuff

And our favourite leggings with rhinestones, diamontes, 
cute sequins and all things shiny!!! what a delight!!!

Here are some i came across and some i absolutely looveee!

A pair of Heavy Studded Trophy Leggings from

Rare Leggings with Jewel Embellishment - £32.00

Loving the studs and crystals


drum roll


These gorgeousssss Antonio Berardi HEAVILY Embellished Leggings only $8713! ;p

These are from Antonio Berardi's Spring/Summer 2012 collection but embellishments are a definitely a huge feature for Spring 2013 as well.

See Nicole Ritchie sporting these lovely leggings with a nude blazer.
What a statement piece! No need for bright makeup

I absolutely sigh......... love these.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Foreign Film Love...

This weekend i saw La Dolce Vita (The Good Life), by famous Italian director Federico Fellini. A 1960's Black white film based on the "goodness" of being in the limelight.

Over the years in film class i had heard over and over again people raving about this timeless classic, so i thought i might give it a go. 

I have to say it was 180 minutes of sheer bafflement. Apologies to those who feel this movie is a legend but it was just not for me. The plot a critique on the papparazzi and the rise and fall of the rich and famous, is pertinent even today but the layout of the movie was rather confusing.

Marcello and Sylvia

Sylvia acting all girly and over the top 

I'm not completely sure how I feel about this movie and dont know if i really understood it.  I do believe i am the sorta girl who gets "artsy movies and have a background where i understand depth in storylines and "artisitic" direction, but sadly it didnt cut it for me and i am not entirely clear of why this movie is rendered a great achievement. 

Nevertheless ' La Dolce Vita' is a film of all time and is visible in pop culture in respect to its iconic costume and styling.

Still, if you see it, tell me what you think?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Retro Love...

Why do we love retro?

Is it because older things were made better?
or is it because retro styles have a warmth to them?

I love anything retro, i think its fun and one can put unique things together and make something even more fun! 

I love retro because its dreamy,loud and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I imagine people were more glamorous and bold and how id want to go back and be part of the scene.

That's why i love Madmen.

Don Draper - :)

Awesome - how dreamy, sitting next to the radio, 
typing away; painfully!!! :P

How Glam.

I'm a retro addict, and i admit it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Colour Purple

Here'es to the Colour Purple! 
My least favourite colour in the world!
And here's why:

Cuz purple is the colour of Barney....
and barneeee does drive me crazeeee.....

need i say anything about these rooms?

lilac is even worse - 

ugh - 

ok -

this colour kills it any other would be gr8 - 

 why must she be so weird - it's not even cool anymore - 

Did i mention i hate Eggplant - oh and it's purple too

Now for some nice things - 

Awesome book - 

Even more awesome movie -

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Foreign language film love : Atash

So this weekend's Foreign Language Film pick was Atash.

A Palestinian + Israeli Collaboration film, Atash meaning Thirst 
was a confusing, unending but thought-provoking experience.

The film lingered on for more than 2 hours, 
and M and i were exchanging bewildered looks, 
asking each other what was happening.

Based around a family of 5, headed by an angry father, 
whose temper, shame and dismay has trapped his wife and children 
in a restricted area for over 10 years.

Their triumphs and disappointments revolve around a pipe of water.

The film Atash, opens with a fire, 
which sets the tone of contradiction for the rest of the movie.

A funny irony too, Atash in my language, Urdu means fire, 
so when i put the 2 together, not reading the subtitles, 
i knew it was about fire,
the fire around the family 
and the fire within them.

There were hardly any dialogues and the haunting music, 
was what mostly dictated the story.

The film has received many many awards of which an 
International Critics Awards at the Cannes film festival is just one.

A must watch for those who like riddles. 
The Art direction was mostly simple with a few very awesome scenes, 
a relationship between a father and daughter despite their mistrust in each other 
and a brother who'll do anything for his sister even though he hates her.

All in all, it was confusing.
I understand it won many awards but i guess seeing is believing.
Just the fact that it has palestinian and israeli people acting and on crew, 
doesn't make it a movie to remember.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Splash of Paint!

Jackson Pollock, who hasn't heard of him.
Discoverer/inventor of action painting.
He changed the way we look and perceive
 abstract paintings to something fun, surreal and mysterious.

I remember watching the movie "Pollock"
in college in our art history class, and being inspired beyond belief 
by the life of this struggling but talented artist. 
Seeing now and really understanding what was behind what we all 
thought was just paint splashed and not much effort.

 He wasn't known as "Jack the dripper" for nothing.
He invented a style and gave new meaning to expression for all.

He's become a pop-culture icon that brands and people everywhere including 
myself have tried to emulate, but i guess Jack is Jack.

A Pollock style graffiti makes this keyboard look quite funky.

This dress looks moth-eaten and smelly.


Pollock's art has become synonymous with colour, energy and attitude.

That's him with his work.

And that's me with mine.
Painted this wall at the entrance of our creative department at work. 
Used big tubs of acrylic paint and my hands. Was a stress buster and loads and loads of fun.

Here's me again in front of the wall, can you see me?
lol - i'm wearing a pollock inspired outfit 
i got made myself cuz i just fell in love with the print.
But it's a thick lilen material and summer's approaching,
 so it's tucked away till the next winter sadly.