Monday, February 14, 2011

How Grand

 I don't know how to play a piano or know anything about Pianos. 
Don't know what a steinway is or what an octave means. 

All i know is that they're Grand and they're B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L .

Today's love: A Grand Piano -

So got these pictures from an auction held locally. 
Didn't get to go, but a friend took some pix of interest to me. 
It's basically a big warehouse with loads of stuff. 
Hoping to go there this Saturday. Let's see what i can find.

How would you auction for something like this where do you begin -hmmmm-
Do i have space to keep this? i'd love to... let's see, waiting for Saturday.

I like the one above this better than the straight lines here.

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