Friday, February 18, 2011

An Ode...

This was supposed to be an ode to Kari Herer, 
who inspired me to try out her style. Lol i think i failed miserably, but i wont give up. 
I'll try again this time not with instagram. 
I think i'll brush the dust off the Canon SLR and give it a go.

On searching for things to match Herer's tea cups etc, i found a ceramic bell.
And today has turned out to be an ode to my mother - Sameera.

This is a little hand painted bell painted by ammie (mom) with love.

It's got a beautiful golden top and rim and cute colourful flowers of all sizes and colours.
These were painted for me take to my new home after i become a Mrs when i was 15. Yes, 15!

They've been saved,wrapped and stored so carefully, waiting for the day i'd have my own home.

In a culture where mothers start planning their daughters wedding 
the day/minute/ second they are born, 
this was a expected and accepted gesture.
Especially, from ammie.

Along with 2 identical white porcelain candle stands, 
she gave me these on her first visit to a post-wedding/ honeymoon, Mahrukh. 
With goodluck, endless blessings and instructions to keep them safe 
and enjoy them in times of happiness and joy, my mother gave these to me finally, 
and not without a tear or two in her eyes.

I'll always value and savour these pieces as they decorate my new home.
They lie at the moment in a glass cabinet waiting to be cherished,
 waiting to turn into 
antique heirlooms.
Waiting to be appreciated by another generation.

To the love of a mother; my mother  - 
i kinda love... i really really love. :)


  1. wow!! I really liked it, the way you describe such a beautiful creature on this planet called MOM!! thats why it has been quoted saying "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers."

  2. an awesome ode to an awesome mom=) my mum's been stashing things away for me since the day i was born- maybe even before that. nothing for herself- everything for her kids. Can't wait to see the bell in person!
