Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tea Time 2

Continuing with this tea time fever - 
I think i could do this for a while -
lol - maybe i should've been born in 18th century Britain 
Drink tea and scones and preserves - and marmite - and walk with a parasol -
I'd look quite unique - hmmm with my brown skin and dark hair -

But i can own this bracelet - 


or make this one myself - :)

Found it: The artist is Kari Herer -

I absolutely adore these compositions and ofcourse the items featured.
Today's homework; i'll try re-creating these images - 
Try i say -
With instagram that i just downloaded on my iphone.
I'll rummage through the cutlery drawers & tea cups and see what i can do - 
So stay tuned -
Already excited -

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